The Neural and Spinal aspect of the patient is easier for us to determine since we take objective measures ranging from X-rays, Spinal Assessment Unit as well as other tools. Lifestyle, however, is one of the harder things to assess since the patient is sharing a personal view of their life and their health choices that impacts it. This perspective on health gets further skewed when foods and drinks tend to likely mislead an individual by saying that the product is "Natural" or "Fresh".
Currently, there are no legal regulations stating what does or doesn't qualify for labels such as "Natural" or "Fresh" labels. It is not uncommon for companies to haphazardly throw around such labels in hopes of creating an appeal to certain people who are trying to lead a healthier life.
What can you, the reader, do in order to improve your certainty with the choices you make? Check for certifications that do have set standards to qualify a food/product such as Certified Organic, Certified Humane, Verified Non-GMO etc.
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